100 SaiCpl 101 Saitek Controller 102 PageTitle 103 Calibration Wizard 104 X/Y Axes 105 Throttle Axis 106 Rudder Axis 107 Rotary 1 Axis 108 Rotary 2 Axis 109 Calibration Wizard 110 Calibration Wizard 111 Move the Rudder control all the way left and right. 112 Move Rotary 1 all the way left and right. 113 Move Rotary 2 all the way left and right. 114 Move the Throttle control all the way up and down. 115 Move the handle in a complete circle. 116 Leave the handle centered. 117 Verify Center Position. 118 The Joystick has been removed. 119 Error 120 Stick POV 1 121 Stick POV 2 122 Throttle POV 123 Mouse POV 124 POV Hat 125 Wheel 126 Move the wheel all the way left and right. 127 Mouse POV 128 Leave the rudder centered. 129 Deadzones